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Melanie with Paintbrushes - Melanie Faga

My Artist 's Journey

Once upon a time, over twenty years ago, I found myself debilitated with a pain syndrome that tried to rob me of every bit of joy possible.  Long story short, I discovered how creativity helped my mind and body deal with chronic pain and chronic illness.  When I’m creating, I’m not really thinking about these issues.  Instead, I’m focused on wonder and the possibilities. 

I've actually been creative most of my adult life in one way or another.  It wasn't until about six or seven years ago that I began to really think a lot more about honing in on the art I would like to make.  Photography was way up at the top of my list.  Ok, it was first in line.  I spent a few years learning what I wanted to and deciding what kind of photographer I would be.  

I then found myself wanting to create with my hands.  You know, I wanted to play with paint and make marks and I discovered a side of myself I didn't even know existed.  I'm an artist. I'm a photographer. I'm creative in many ways.  Nowhere does it say we have to pick one or the other.  Please, just do what brings you joy.  That is the best thing I can share with you from my journey to this point.  

That is one reason we are here together right now.  It is my passion and joy to help you embrace your creativity as a source of beauty, renewal, and joy.  In the process, there is also healing and peace that you will discover along the way.  

All these years later, I am humbled by the peace, the joy, and the beauty that creativity has brought to my life.  I'm honored and excited to share it with you.  

Nest of Rest
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