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Beauty Journaling: An Invitation Home - Mixed Media Journal - Free Online Class

Beauty Journaling is way of creating where you spend time renewing your mind, drawing closer to Jesus through the process, and discovering new things about yourself you maybe didn't realize. The process includes prayer, praise, art supplies, photographs, artwork, journaling, and the Beauty He shares in your life. For me, my journals are filled with more than words, pictures, and art supplies. They also hold the precious gift of the time I spend within their pages, as well as the healing and growth they nurture.  It is within this merging process that I've found more purpose and meaning in my life and in my creativity.  One feeds the other and they honestly have transformed my life and infused it with more faith, more passion, more joy, more Beauty, and more purpose. If you're looking for a ways to: * Embrace your Creativity * Grow as an Artist * Nurture your Heart & Soul * Spread your Artist's Wings * Combine your Faith & Creativity in New Meaningful Ways   Then inside the class, you'll find: * Three Videos totaling more than 45 minutes of guidance and instruction ~ Welcome Video ~ Supplies ~ Making your Journal * A FREE Artist Community within this website that operates like a Facebook Group, but it isn't on Facebook. This is where our creative journey together begins. Come along and discover the joys of creating in an atmosphere that's as welcoming as it is supportive. I can't wait to meet you on the inside!!

Group Discussion

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Creative Joy Community Group

Creative Joy Community Group

Private11 Members
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