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Photography as Healing - Embracing Beauty - Drawing Closer to God through the Art of Photography.

When I picked up a camera in 2014 everything changed in how I see and experience the world around me. I realized that it was possible to be met with Beauty, love, and grace in the moments I seek it.  

In 2017, I wrote a little memoir, Awakening to Beauty in Our Midst, on how God and Beauty have influenced my life since 1997. I discovered how creativity and faith helped me through some challenging times in my life and I wrote about those experiences. Embracing Beauty - Drawing Closer to God through the Art of Photography is the next in the series, I guess. I didn't set out to create a series, but here we are. :) In Embracing Beauty, I help you become more comfortable and confident in your photography. You'll begin to see things in new ways and compose images in ways that are soulful and meaningful to you. I share an in-depth look at using your camera outside of automatic mode. You can also use your cell phone or whatever camera you have. What's most important is that you get out there and experience the Beauty and take the images. In addition, I share prayerfully meditative approaches that you can add to your photography experiences. They are meant to deepen your faith, nurture your soul, and Embrace the Beauty God shares, just for you in those moments. To learn more about the book you can read this post here with more info. If you're ready peek inside the book and purchase your copy today:

Disclaimer Please note that I'm not a licensed therapist or mental health expert. I'm sharing what has helped me walk through some of the most difficult times in my life so that it may encourage you on your journey. I pray that Beauty will captivate your heart and nurture your soul in ways that only God can.


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