Sacred moments are the little blessings in the day-to-day, that allow me to pause and take notice of the Divine or the Beautiful. For me, these moments are a gift from God. They may present as any of the following: (this list is not all-inclusive in any way) – Quiet Moments – Peaceful Moments – Moments in time when my mind is open to receive new thoughts, inspirations, and guidance. – Moments when my body is calm and able to experience peace through the experience of the moment, via prayer, and other relaxation modalities. {Did you know that creativity may offer some relief to chronic pain and illness?} – Hopeful Moments – Beautiful Moments – Inspirational Moments – Moments to Cherish – Moments of Joy – Moments of Laughter – Moments of Learning Something New – Moments of Answered Prayers – Moments of Happiness – Moments to Learn From – Moments Remembered
I encourage you to look for and allow these opportunities to be a part of your day-to-day. I find that these moments move me in a way that is nurturing to my mind, my body, and my soul. I want to remember them. I also want them to inspire my creativity.
It’s important to keep a record of them. Create notes on your phone or carry a mini-journal around with you to jot them down. Printing a beautiful photo out and adding your memory to it gives the moment a visual reminder. When we long to embrace a beautiful life, we need to establish and honor what inspires and moves us. There is no better inspiration for authentic creativity than our very own experiences and observations. Three Ways to Get Started 1) Print out my free set of mock Polaroid images. Use them to add to your journals or write on the front and back a sacred moment. Placing them in a tray or bowl in your studio space is another fun way to have them easily accessible. Click on the image below to access the and print them out.
2) Make time for the sacred to be a part of your day. Allow time for prayer, inspiration from nature, or from the beauty in your everyday experiences. Go for a walk, visit a park, spend time observing nature in your backyard, create a lovely meal, add fresh flowers to your dining room table, etc. Allow yourself to be moved by simply joy. Jesus is always with us, we need only to slow down and take notice of all of the beauty He shares with us constantly.
3) Create. Play with art supplies or bake a loaf of bread. What brings you joy? That is where you want to spend your time developing your creativity. If you’re not sure yet, that’s okay. Guess what? Creativity and an artist’s life is an ongoing, ever-evolving process. Start to notice what brings you joy. Keep notes and records no matter how random they may be. Trust me, it will come together in the way it’s supposed to.